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Virtual Job Fair Registration

This new online initiative allows NBA member stations to participate in a quarterly recruitment effort.  The week-long nature of the Virtual Job Fair (VJF) helps stations target potential employees while physical job fairs are on hold.  Even as in-person events resume, there will always be candidates who can’t or won’t attend a physical job fair in the typical short, four-hour window.

During the week of the VJF, your hiring agent will receive applications from visitors to the site via email.  In addition, your hiring agent may be contacted by visitors requesting more information about a specific job or the industry in general via an online comment form that keeps your email address confidential.  It is required that an actual hiring agent is ready to respond to such inquiries. 

Our next Job fair is scheduled for March 31 – April 4, 2025. Please register below by March 24th.

Future Virtual Job Fairs:
June 23 – 27, 2025
September 29 – October 3, 2025

1) Register by March 24, 2025 with the NBA by filling out the form below. You will need the following:
  • Call letters of all stations that will participate
  • Parent Company/Organization name associated with the stations
  • Logos for all participating stations (or a single logo that represents all)
  • Mailing address for each of the participating stations
  • Name and email address of hiring agent at the station(s). Must be an actual person’s email, not info@station.com or the like. The email address remains confidential.
  • Short description of why it’s great to work at your organizataion/station(s)

2) Post your Job Openings

Once registered you may post your job openings at www.CareerPage.org

If you are new to CareerPage.org, simply click on the “register” link on the home page and use the access code provided by the NBA to complete your registration. Once registered, you will be able to add job openings up to and including the week of our Virtual Job Fair.

3) Promote the Event

Beginning at least a few days ahead of the VJF, and through the last day of the VJF, all participating stations should promote the event, customizing the suggested copy to drive visitors to the VJF site:https://www.broadcastersvirtualjobfair.com/cms/. We encourage use of all of your promotional assets: on air, online, social media, station talent, etc.

4) At the conclusion of each VJF, your station will receive access to the applications online, statistics on site traffic for the event, and a letter of participation for your EEO File.